Free Insole Review
How it Works
With every order of 2 or more pairs of Foot Relief Insoles you qualify to participate in the 1 Free Pair for 3 Reviews Offer. The whole process is easy. Just place an order for at least 2 pairs, submit 3 verified reviews, and we will send you a one time use Coupon Code for a free pair of insoles with free shipping.
Upon completing your reviews just copy the address of the web pages where your completed reviews or tasks are located and paste them into the form provided. You will have 30 days from your order date to complete 3 reviews or tasks and qualify to receive 1 FREE Pair of Foot Relief Insoles.
Currently there are 9 review web sites or tasks available. You could easily take advantage of this offer 3 times and get 3 free pairs. The faster you complete the reviews or tasks, the faster we ship your FREE insoles! We provide you all the links to the review web sites and instructions. Most customers complete the 3 reviews or tasks in 20 minutes or less. Start by ordering at least 2 pairs in a single order to qualify for your 1 FREE Pair! Don't forget to use the Coupon Codes when you checkout.
Notice: Due to deep discounts offered on multiple pair orders we are only able to give 1 free pair of insoles for every order of 2 pairs or more with 3 verified reviews. However; you can place additional orders and qualify for more free pairs by using the other review websites we have listed.
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How it Works
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